Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Village of Palmyra

The Palmyra, New York Temple. The only temple with a clear window so you can see the sacred grove.

This is the Grandin Print Shop where the Book of Mormon was first published in 1830. This was one of my favorite parts of Palmyra.

This is the room where the pages were printed. The ink on the walls is the original ink. The first level of this 3 story building had the original wood floors that Joesph Smith walked on. They showed us how they made up each book and bound it. There was a shop two doors down that reproduce the original Book of Mormon and then you can buy them at the Desseret Book Store next door. They are printed just like the original Book of Mormon was without verses so it reads like a novel.

The Book of Mormon manuscripts in Oliver Cowdery's handwriting. What was really neat about these is that there is no verses or chapters. Its how he wrote them as Joesph Smith translated.

One of the very first copies of the Book of Mormon.

The Martin Harris Farm that was mortgaged for $3,000 to fund the publication of the Book of Mormon. To the far right of the picture there is a little water fountain now that was a well that Joesph Smith and his brother Hyrum dug for Martin Harris.

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